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Volume 22, Fall 2023
Using Virtual Exchange with LinguaMeeting to Address the Cultures Standards
in the Foreign Language Class: Cultural Products, Practices, and Perspectives
Maripaz García, Yale University
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 8–28
“Frisaba la edad de nuestro hidalgo con los cincuenta años”: Representaciones
de la edad de don Quijote en materiales para niños y adolescentes
Lourdes Albuixech, Southern Illinois University
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 29–44
La desarticulación y reestructuración del cuento de hadas en Señora de la miel
de Fanny Buitrago
Nancy Durán, Danville Area Community College
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 45–58
On the Role of Entrenchment and Conventionalization in the “Intransitivization”
of Certain Verbs in Spanish: A Case Study of Ahorrar ‘to Save [Money/Resources]’
David Korfhagen, East Tennessee State University
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 59–82
Atheism and the Critique of Religion in Claudia Piñeiro’s Catedrales
Leslie Maxwell Kaiura, University of Alabama in Huntsville
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 83–101
Generational Discord and Moral Deviance in Cuentas pendientes
and Más liviano que el aire
Jason Youngkeit, Claflin University
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 102–117
A Biblical Intertextuality: Wealth and Power in “Poderoso
Caballero es Don Dinero” de Francisco de Quevedo
Ismênia Sales de Souza, US Air Force Academy
Geraldo Soares de Souza Jr., Independent Scholar
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 118–126
Ediciones*, proyecto editorial como archivo y colaboración en Cuba
Gretel Acosta, Tulane University
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 127–137
Pedro Juan Gutiérrez’s Dirty Realism: Reinventing Cuban Spaces,
by Lori Oxford (2023)
Damon Reed, University of Florida
MIFLC Review, vol. 22, 2023, pp. 138–140
© 2023 by MIFLC Review, Journal of the
Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association
ISSN 1079-7866