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Ulloa Award Editorial Board
Deadline for submissions: Monday, January 15, 2024
Established in 1990 under the editorship of Leonor A. Ulloa, Professor Emerita at Radford University, the MIFLC Review publishes critical studies on modern languages and literatures as well as interdisciplinary, comparative, linguistic, and pedagogical studies.
Submissions must be expanded versions of presentations given at the MIFLC meeting. Papers prepared only for oral delivery and lacking proper documentation will not be considered. Manuscripts are welcome in English, French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish. Submissions should be between 5,000–9,000 words in length (including notes and references), and must be formatted in accordance with the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook. Book reviews of 1,000–1,500 words will feature recent monographs from MIFLA members; all reviews should be written in English and follow the MLA Handbook.
Manuscripts should be submitted by email in Word (.doc or .docx). Please include the author’s name and contact information in the body of the email only; the author’s name should not appear in the attached document. Each manuscript will be evaluated by two editors or members of the Editorial Board. The editor will seek feedback from a third reader if necessary.
Accepted manuscripts are the property of the MIFLC Review, which retains all copyrights.
Email manuscripts to [email protected] by Monday, January 15, 2024.
For all other queries please contact:
Andrea Meador Smith, Editor
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies
Shenandoah University
1460 University Drive
Winchester, VA 22601
Council of Editors of Learned Journals
ISSN 1079-7866