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Volume 18, Fall 2016-2017
“Mis ojos por tus ojos mueren:” María de Zayas’s Subversion of the Male Gaze in “El prevenido engañado”
Bryan Betancur, CUNY-Bronx Community College
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 9–28
From The Brothers Karamazov to the The Brothers K: Dostoevsky’s Last Novel and Modern American Fiction
Julian Connolly, University of Virginia
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 29–42
Imagining Futures in the Anthropocene: Eduardo Galeano’s Socioecological Model
Ida Day, Marshall University
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 43–56
“Esa araña cuyas patas son sueños:” Granada as Space and Place in Ángel Ganivet’s Political Thought
Mahan L. Ellison, Bridgewater College
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 57–74
Can Canonicity Be Translated?: Víctor Català, Mercè Rodoreda, and Carme Riera in Translation, Research, and Graduate Studies
Kate Good, Grinnell College
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 75–93
Beauty and the Beast of Technology in Gorodischer’s “A la luz de la casta luna electrónica”
Grace A. Martin, Bridgewater College
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 94–106
Por la Calle de Alcalá: The Languages Used in Storefront Signs along Madrid’s Longest Street
Elizabeth A. Martínez-Gibson, College of Charleston
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 107–131
Malos de película en el cine español de inmigración: protagonistas y antagonistas en Amador (2010), Biutiful (2010) y A escondidas (2014)
Ana Pérez-Manrique, Worcester State University
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 132–148
Translation-Project Management: A Case Study of an Online Graduate Course
Mónica Rodríguez-Castro and Concepción Godev, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 149–177
The Acquisition of Spanish /θ/ in a Study Abroad Context
John Stevens, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 177–205
Quebec’s Youth: The Generation of the October Crisis in Recent Historical Fiction
Heather West, Samford University
MIFLC Review, vol. 18, 2016-2017, pp. 206–223
© 2017 by MIFLC Review, Journal of the
Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association
ISSN 1079-7866